America, Cuba


                                      MAYOMBE CHICKEN 
It is a Cuban recipe that brigs together African, Spanish and French gastronomy.


- 1 1/2 kg of chicken
- 1 spoonful of salt
- 1/2 spoonful of white pepper
- 4 spoonful of orange juice
- 80g of fat
- 80g of onion
- 1/2 cup of carrot
- 4 spoonful of oil
- 1/2 cup of chard
- 1 cup of tomato
- 1 cup of potatoes
- 40g of grapes
- 3and breag of walnut
- 500ml of broth
- Parsley and bread


1. Clean and cut off the chicken. Mariunade with salt, pepper and the orange juice. Keep it 2 hours.
2. Cut the fat. Peel and cut the onion and the carrot. Clean the parsley and the chard. Peel the tomato and cut it do the same with the potato. Cut the walnut. 
3. In a cooking pot warm up the oil. Fry the chicken and quit the fat
4. Fry the fat with the onion and the carrot. Add the tomato, the parsley and the grapes. 
5. Add the broth and when it is warm add the walnut for 20 minutes.
6. Serve it in a dish with bread.

Cuba is a communism. The communist party of Cuba is the governing political party in the republic of Cuba. Here isn´t exist the private property. The state runs the economy and here there ins´t liberal market. There aren´t a lot of social differences. The public services are very desarrollate.

                         CUBA´S MARKET

BY LOCATION    - Physical:
                                          The market
                                         of fruits in 
                           the street


                                                - Virtual:
                                            The market of

BY GOODS      - Material goods:
                          The market 
                           for houses  
                          - Services:
                            When somebody 
                              look for job

                         - Financial goods:
                                   The stocks

                    SUPPLY AND DEMAND
Example: The market of electricity
Supply: The electricity that is beeing sold
Demand: The number of buyers. 
This regulate the prices: If there are a lot of electricity but a little number of buyers the prices should go down.
If there is a little number of electricity and a lot of buyers the people who sell the electricity can ask for more money.

                     AGRICULTURE OF CUBA

Cuba is based in the sugar. This product is original of Africa and was introduce in America in the s. xvii. This product needs high temperatures, a lot of sun light and a lot of precipitations. This grow in a plain terrain.
In Cuba there are a lot of fruits and vegetables. Also, there are a lot of tropical fruits as pineapple, guayaba, anón, papaya, etc. The coffee is a good product in Cuba, it is sowed in the mountains where the sun light doesn´t go.
In winter the products that are sowed are lettuces, chards, carrots and radishes.

Describe the image          Clasification
- Physical factors
   Climate: Tropical          Wateruse: Not irrigation
   Relief: Plain                Objective: To sell the 
                                                         Yield of the soil: High
- Human factors
Population level: High         Type: Industrial. 
                                       Extensive and intensive                                       Product: Sugar
Teach level: The people use
Development of the country: High ( The population leven and the objective)


 Describe the image        Clasification

- Physical factors
Climate: Tropical         Wateruse: Irrigation
Relief: Plain                  Objective: To sell the 
Yield of the soil: High (The objective is to sell the product)
- Human factors
Population level: High          Type:Industrial. 
                                            Intensive and extensive 
Teach level: The people use    Product: Tobacco
Development of the country: High (The population level and the teach level)

                          CUBA´S RANCHING
In Cuba the ranching is desarrollate and it is aprovate for the Ranching´s administration. The grazing is used for the ranching activity. Here it´s very important the bovine ranching. Now are included the eggs production, the milk production and bovine meat, pig meat and ovine-caprine. 

                   DIFFERENTS TYPES OF EGGS

                                        Code 3 

                                         Code 2 

                                         Code 1

                                         Code 0

                          BOVINE RANCHING

  Intensive ranching: Here the cows are in a stable where there are high temperatures, light conditions. The cows eat rich feed. This ranching make a big production and it´s cost a lot.

Extensive ranching: Here the cows are in the pasture. They eat the natural grass and it isn´t cost a lot. It causes and small production.

                                      CUBA´S FISHING

In Cuba the Industry of fish runs the capture, the cultive and the putting on the market the fish. This causes an increase number in the economy.
The Industry of fish is make up: 75 company around two archipelago, 2 investigations centres and 2 profesionals training.
In Cuba the fishers catch in general: lobsters, prawnes, scales and tunas.

                   AGRICULTURE, RANCHING 
                     AND FISHING OF CUBA

It belongs to America. Cuba is a Caribe´s sea in an island chain from the Antilles´s sea. Its formed as a democratic republic. Its territory is organized in 15 provinces and a special twonship. The capital is The Habana. Its flag have on the left a red triangle with a small white star, and on the right it has three blue lines and two white lines.

This country has only one climate. Also it has mountains and rivers. The climate is the tropical climate.

                TROPICAL CLIMATE

Where does it happen? Its habitual in the intertropical´s zones that surrounded the equator 23º north latitud and 23º south latitud.  
How does it happen?   
 Temperature: Its hot during the year.MT--> 18º. Not snow during the winter and during the summer. Because the sunlight goes directly
 Precipitations: Abundant during the year. Because
 Rivers: They are regulars. They carry a lot of water.   Because there are abundant rains.
 Vegetation: There are crops with cafe, banana and pineapple. Because in this climate not snow.
 Animals: There are big and small animals, that eat food from the floor and the trees. There are algo birds. Because there is space and in the trees there is food.


                                                      CUBA´S CITIES

City  Population
1 La Habana 2.201.610
2 Santiago de Cuba 423.392
3 Camagüey 301.574
4 Holguín 269.618
5 Santa Clara 210.220
6 Guantánamo 208.145
7 Bayamo 144.664
8 Las Tunas 143.582
9 Cienfuegos 140.734
10 Pinar del Río 139.336
11 Matanzas 127.287
12 Ciego de Ávila 106.225
13 Sancti Spíritus 98.283
14 Manzanillo 97.038
15 Cárdenas 80.832
16 Palma Soriano 76.179
17 Moa 57652
18 Florida 53847
19 Morón 53551
20 Nueva Gerona 46923
21 Contramaestre 44752
22 Colón 44520
23 Artemisa 43427
24 Güines 42801
25 Sagua La Grande 41756
26 Trinidad 41293
27 Placetas 40982
28 Baracoa 39190
29 Nuevitas 38995
30 Banes 34452
31 San Luis 33717
32 San José de las Lajas 33233
33 Caibarién 32679
34 San Antonio de los Baños 32582
35 Puerto Padre 31854
36 Cabaiguán 30135
37 Mayarí 29027
38 Vertientes 28368
39 Consolación del Sur 26953
40 Amancio 26658
41 San Cristóbal 25932
42 Güira de Melena 24896
43 San Germán 24699
44 Cumanayagua 24367
45 Sagua de Tánamo 23641
46 Guanajay 23095
47 Jatibonico 22962
48 Manicaragua 22851
49 Camajuaní 22796
50 Colombia 22295
51 Niquero 21636
52 La Maya 21278
53 Bauta 21151
54 Jiguaní 21130
55 Guisa 20461

                             CUBA´S COIN 

The Cuba´s coin is from the Cuba´s Republic. The emblem is $ and the fraccion is 100 cent. The coins are 1, 2, 3, 5, 20 cents, 1 and 3 $. The Cuba´s billes are 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 $.


                   CUBA´S GASTRONOMY 

Cuba´s gastronomy is the habit´s fusion taina, the spanish kitchen, african and caribbean kitchen.
The principal ingredients are the yucca and the sweet potato. Other ingredients are the corn, the pumpkin and the quimbombo. Also in this country the people use the guayaba. They consume sharks, grey mullet.. etc.


                       CUBA´S ECONOMY

The economy is support in the natural resources varied from the country, that is from the minerals as the nickel and the cobalt to the tropical landscapes that attrack million of tourists. Cuba is the destination for the canadien tourists, the spanish, italian and english tourists. The destinations are:
   . The old Havanna
   . Varadero
   . The king´s gardens
   . Guardalavaca


                           CUBA´S PARTY

In Cuba there is a party called Fire´s  Party. The people do this party every year and this party during 3 days.


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