Europa, Rusia



Sauerkraut soup, also called sour schi, is a traditional russian main first course dish for several hundreds year.

Original recipes for schi (there are more that one: sour schi, grey schi, green schi) usually include some kind meat, some kind cabbage, carrots, potatoes and spices. Sour schi are prepared with sauerkraut or mix of sauerkraut and fresh cabbage.

I do cook schi with just sauerkraut and I prefer pork broth for sauerkraut schi, however you may use beef for it if you don’t like pork.

-2 lb of pork meat (with or without bones), better in a whole piece
-24 oz jar of sauerkraut
-2-3 potatoes
-2 carrots
-1 parsley root or parsnip
-2 onions
-Sunflower oil
-Several bay leaves to taste
-Whole allspice and black peppercorns to taste

-Salt to taste

How to prepare, step-by-step:

·Prepare pork broth: for that fill a 4.5-5qt cooking pot with water and bring it to boil; rinse meat with cold water, put it to the boiling water and boil for about 1.5-2 hours until the meat is ready.

·While broth is being prepared, skin and dice onions. Warm up a skillet with a bit of sunflower oil and fry onions over low heat until browned in color.

·Skin carrots and grate them on large slots (you may also slice them with a knife); add carrots to the onions on the skillet; fry them together for 10-15 minutes, then remove from the burner.

·When meat is ready, get it out of the broth, remove bones if you used bone-in meat; and slice meat into portion pieces.

·Add meat back to the broth and bring broth to simmering
·Skin and slice potatoes and parsley root
·Add potatoes to the broth and boil for about 5 mins
·Add sliced parsley root.
·Drain liquid from sauerkraut, if it is too sour rinse it with cold water first, then add it to the pot and let it cook for about 10 mins.

·Then add fried carrots and onions from the skillet.
·Add bay leaves, allspice and black peppercorns and salt to taste.

·Boil soup until the potatoes are ready – soft when you pierce them with a knife (about 10-15 mins), then russian sauerkraut soup is ready! Serve it hot

Russia has undergone significant changes since the end of the Soviet Union out of a centrally planned economy isolated for a globally integrated market economy . Economic reforms in the 1990s privatized most industry , with the notable exception of energy and military sectors.
However, the rapid privatization process, including a loan scheme for the purchase of shares , allowed the formation of economic " oligarchies " with strong political relations , which left the ownership of privatized companies highly concentrated in few hands. The protection of property rights is small and the private sector is subject to interventions.
 Its industry is divided into two blocks : one with large producers of raw materials , which have global competitiveness and one with other , highly dependent on local consumer markets less efficient heavy industries. This reliance on commodity exports , although be
nefit , leaves it vulnerable to cycles of high and volatile lowering of international prices for these products country.

Government :Federal Republic semiparlamentaria 

President: Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister: Medvedev

Government functions are divided between several ministries, some of which have different federal services and federal agencies responsible. The country's president nominates the prime minister and the State Duma confirmed. The government is located in the so-called White House in Moscow. Ensures the implementation of domestic and foreign policy, prepares budgets, supervises the implementation of monetary and financial policy and guarantees the rule of law and respect for human rights and freedoms.


Russia is a major producer of wheat, barley , oats and rye , and its production has increased , reaching the highest levels within the economy . Production also has potatoes, vegetables , corn , millet and vegetables , and has extended the cultivation of fruits like apples, pears and cherries.

 Most of the arable lands extend the so-called " triangle of fertility " , which begins along the western border , extending from the Baltic to the Black Sea , to shake the southern Urals , where it reaches a width about 400 km, from where it continues through the southwestern margin of Siberia. Russia is also a major livestock producer , but since 1992 production has dropped considerably, both in cattle and pigs and caprinos.Otra products of large industries of Russia is the manufacture of agricultural machinery, is one of the largest manufacturers of tractors in the world and a major exporter .

Russia possesses 20% of the world's forests and about a third of the coniferous forests, making it one of the world's largest producers of timber and timber products. Most wood production is centered in manufacturing softwood, namely pine, spruce and larch, while the hardwood is marketed Birch.

conifers                                    birches



-There are two types of climates:

·Continental climate: 
-Temperature: cold in winter and hot in summer. Between 0ºC and 10ºC, it cause because they are located inside the continents.

-Precipitation:  between  300mm and 1000mm.It rain mainly in summer because in summer there are low pressions.

-Rivers: irregulars rivers and carry a lot of water (Drainage basin).

-Vegetation: escarce, conic trreetops with decidous forest. Because mainly rain in summer and in winter snow a lot.

-Animals: the animals hibernate like bissons, warmblooded creatures.

·Polar climate: 
-Temperature: is very low the, mean annual temperature is below 0ºC because the sunlights never reflect in this zone.

-Precipitation: usually in the form of snow, because there are a low temperatures.

-Rivers: only slowimoving glaciars because the water is frozen.

-Vegetation: mosss, lichen and shubs.

-Animalspolar bears, artic foxes... large mamals, they live aruond the cost which is the main source of food. Warmblooded animals.

Young mts: like Sayal mts and Colyna mts
Old mts: like Ural mts


CONTINENTAL FOREST                      


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