America, The United States


This is how big is U.S.A

Lets start with the differents types of climates:
In the U.S.A we can find (in general):
-Continental Climate
-Step Climate
-High mountain Climate
-Mediterranean Climate
-Polar Climate
(In purple) Continental Climate:
What happens? Continental Climate
Where does it happen? Inside the continent, in this case, inside the country
How does it happen? 
  -Temperature:  They are highs in summer, and lows in winter because we are    away from the sea
  -Precipitation:   They are scarces and scarcer deeper in the continent because we are away from the coast.

   -Rivers: They are really long, irregulars and they carry a lot of water. This is because there's a lot of land, and lot of little rivers that goes into one huge river.

  -Plants: We can find Tyga forest, small trees with point tops because of the snow, we can find steps and grass
   -Animals: Warm blooded animals with lot of hair for protect them-selfs from the cold. We find bisons, taiga antilops,moschuschses....
 Continental forest.

(In a brown-yellow color) Step Climate:

Is like continental climate but with more variation in the temperatures.

(In red) Mediterranean climate: 
What happens? Mediterranean Climate
Where does it happen? West coast of temperate zones, near the tropics.
How does it happens? 
   -Temperature: Temperatures are high in summers and milds in winters because is near to the tropics and is also near the sea.
   -Precipitation: Almost all the year except summer. This is because is influenced by the troppical preassures.


   -Rivers: They don't carry a lot of water and they're irregulars because summers are dry and other seasons rains.

   -Plants: We find mediterranean forest with evergreen  trees with round tops. Their leafts have an olive colour because is a way of proteccion against the sunlight.
    -Animals: Small medium size animals, manly mammals and birds.

Guadalquivir River

An olive leaft

(In a dark purple) Polar Climate.

What happens? Polar climate 
Where does it happen? Around or near the polar regions.
How does it happens? 
   -Temperature: They are really really low the whole year because the sunlight doesn't go directly and six months of the year there isn't sunlight.
    -Precipitation: Not too much, they are scarce (250mm) because there is a permanent high preassure and the water is ice.

    -Rivers: They are slow moving glaciers because is so cold that water turns to ice.

     -Plants: mosees and lichens, not trees or forest because there isn't enough sunlight, eniugh ground or enogh water.
     - Animals: Foxies, seals, polar bears, migrate birds, cold water animals like wales, pinguins...Are common. They usually are big, that means that they have a huge fat layer, small ears, and they are warm blooded.

 Those are some animals
This is a glacier

Rocky Mountains: Young and huge  mountachain
Appalachian Mountains: Old mountainchain
Sierra Nevada: Old mountain chain

Columbia: Carry a lot of water and irregular
Sacramento: Carry little of water and is irregular
Colorado: Carry lot of water and regular
Rio Grande,. Colorado (texas), Missouri, Mississippi and Ohio: Carry a lot of water and irregulars.
This is Mississippi River

ALASKA relief

Brooks Range: Young mountainchain
Alaska Range: Young Mountainchain
Alaska Range
Brooks Range

Yukon: Carry lot of water and regular
Kuskokwim: Carry lot of water and regular
Yukon River
Kuskokwim River

Kuskokwim River

Florida, in south U.S.A is a place really affected by the tornados or hurricanes along the year.


We know that in the U.S.A, the economy is base on the Capitalism. This type of economy alouds people to work where and as they want, and they can also amass money.
The problem in this economy is that it makes a big inequality between rich and poor people.
We can easy see this in, for example, the State of New York has a neighborhood just for rich people call The Hamptons, but there is a neighborhood call Bushwick, in Brooklyn where most of people don not have much money. This is the seventh poorest neighborhood in New York. Like this two places we can find more and more in U.S.A.

 Those are soome photos of Bushwick streets.
This is a photo of a mansion in the Hamptons. Almost all the houses there are  like this one.

The United States of America is also a neoliberal conuntry, it means that is easy for citizens to set up a business; the State do not really take part of things, and there is also a diference between rich and poor people as we saw before.

Although the economy in U.S.A is base in the free market, there are laws that adjust buisness in many ways. Some of this rules protect the consumer from products with low quality, guarantee the worker a job save job with low risks, and laws that protect the enviroment.

This is a drawing of all the presidents that The United States of America have had.
The current president is Barack Obama.
He was born in the 1961. He was the senator of Illinois State since 2005 till 2008. He was the first "afro-american" nominated for being president under the Democratic Party and the first one to beacome a black president.
He has been the president of the United States of America since the 20th of January, 2009; till now.

Agriculture and ranching.

AGRICULTURE: In The United States, the agriculture is one of the more inportants facts. This is because the country is one of the more important exporter of  food and things that come from agriculture, but also because the U.S.A. is famous because of its incredible organization of it's cultives. 

This is a graphic that tell us the principal countries that exports their products.

The amount of land that the United States have for cultivate give the country an advantage iin the nacional market.  The U.S.A. is so great divided that the zones of the products are call belts; we can find:
1. Tropical cultivebelt: In the south of U.S.A, in the costal strip of Mexico Gulf and Atlantic ocean
2. Cotton belt: We can find it in the Mississippi's river bank, around the Mexico Gulf, and south the Appalache's mountains.
3. Corn belt: It is in the middle of U.S.A.
4. Winter Wheat belt: Over the corn ring
5. Wheat belt: More in the north, in cold climates, but not too cold
6. Fodder belt: In the coldest zones of the United States, almost in Canada.

Those are the most abundant and important products produce in the U.S.A.:
- Corn
- Soya bean
- Wheat
- Cotton
- Toamtoe
- Potatoes
- Grapes
- Oranges
- Rice
- Apple
- Lettuce
- Canola oil
- Beetrot oil

The biggest cultives in U.S.A. are:

Greenhouses are a method created by man with the idea of cultivate things no matter the weather facts, or the location. It consists in a establishment maintain the temperature, the humidity and other facts that favor the production of the product.
We can find Greenhouses, in the United States, in :
-New Jersey
-Rhode Island

This is a greenhouse in Michigan.

Another type of cultive really use in the U.S.A. is the one that uses a big sprinkle to irrigate the cultives that have been seed forming a circle or a square with rounds corners.
In Kansas, we can find a huge amount of this kind of cultives.

Those are the cultives in Kansas.

The principal methods of ranching in this country is the extensive ranching and the intensive ranching.
The principal ranchings are:
-Poultry pens

In the west of the United States we can find a huge piece of land dedicated for the extensive ranching, for, surely, cows and sheeps. We also find milky cows in the north of the country. We should say that the principal mundial productor of milk is the U.S.A.
The united States is also an important productor of porcine productos.

The next maps are of the organization of the agriculture and the ranching in U.S.A.:

ALASKA agriculture and ranching.

This is a greenhouse in Alaska.

We can find most of the agriculture in Matanuska's Valley, or in the Kenai Peninsula.

This is Matanuska's Valley situation.

Agriculture in Matanuska Valley.

This is Kenai Peninsula situation.

The principal cultives are:

We just find reindeer and caribou breed in the Seward Peninsula, and some moose and Dall sheeps hunt.
This is a photo of a Sammi shepherd. This tribe  is base on the transhumance, they travell from one part of the site to onether one deppending on the seasons. For those peole, the raindeers are really important. They have more than 1500 words to describe one of this animals! 

Fishing in Alaska:
The fishing activity in Alaska is really important because they can get pin salmon, cod, haddock fich and marbel crab in Beriing's sea and North Pacific Ocean.

The crab fichinf in Alaska is very famous!

About Alaska, we also can say that is one of the more important exporter of wood.


-Hamburger: Is a piece of meat cooked usually in the grill. Then you put the meat between two pieces of bread, and finally you add cheese. There are millioons of deferent kinds of burguers, but this one is the original.

-Hot Dogs: Is just a sausage inside a brad with tomatoe and mustard sauce. Is really common to find a man selling them on the street.

-Barbacue Ribs: They are pig ribs with barbacue sauce. You can see them a lot in parties or barbacues. The sauce is the mix of: tomatoe sauce, vinegar, spices, and honey.

Interestings sites to visit...



-1 beef sausage
-1 Piece of bread
-2 Table spoon of grated cheddar cheese
...If you want to add...
- Ketchup
- Yellow Mustard

Put the sausage in a pan for a couple of minutes. While the sausage is in the pan, toast a little bit the bread. Take the sausage out of the pan and cut the bread in the middle; then put the sausage in the middle. Add the cheese and finally if you eant, the ketchup or/and the mustard.

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