America, Perú

 My country: 


Introduction of economy and primary sector of Peru.


1. Politics and Government

2. Agriculture

3. Animal husbandry

4. Forest logging

5. Fishing industry

1. Politic and government.

Peru is a democratic republic with a multi-party system, I mean, that has more tan one party. The president is the head of the state, he is elected for five years. The Peruvians between 18 and 70 ages old, have to vote compulsory and from 70 years old is optional. At the momento, Ollanta Humala is the president of Peru, he is the presidential candidate of the Gana Perú Alliance, that won Keiko Fujimori of Fuerza 2011 in the last General Elections.

Ollanta Humala*, the president of Peru

*Now Hullanta Humala has said that Peru don't have to act with the situation that is  happening now in Venezuela, that has wake up some polemic in South America

The economy of Peru is one of the world’s fastest-growing, this grow is only comparable with China.

The number of dollars that Peru has increases the last few years

The number of products exported in Peru has increased a lot. The products imported has increased a lot too, but no so much as the exported.

Exports from Peru to China


 Peru is the greatest fishmeal producer in the world. 

Peru is situated in the south hemisphere, in Shout America. At the west, it has the Pacific Ocean. Tropical zone, warm and damp. Great variety of animalife and plantlife. Peru has 8 altitudinal zones: coast, yungas, quechua, suni, puna, janca, high rain-forest and ground rain-forest.

2. Agriculture

The main products of the Peruvian agriculture are potato, rice, corn, wheat, vegetables, fruit, cotton, sugarcane and coffee. Here can be subsistence and market oriented.


Rice cultives



3. Animal husbandry

Peru is not an animal husbandry country because there are a lot of mountain, coast relief and the rain-forest is too damp. There are two types of animal husbandry: extensive and intensive. The most usual is the intensive in the coast cattle; bovine, and rain-forest cattle; bovine and his derivates. You only can see extensive stock in the andes, ovine and camelid.

Ovine cattle

Bovine cattle

Camelid cattle

4. Forest logging

One  part of Peru is of the Amazon, so there are too many forest logging, but is usually ilegal.

Ilegal forest logging

5. Fishing industry

Peru has a great fishing industry. Is the greatest fishmeal producer of the world.


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