Asia, North Korea

                         NORTH KOREA

In North Korea only have one climate, the continental climate, and its characteristics are:


WHAT’S HAPPEND?: Continental Climate.


TEMPERATURES: Hot in summer and very cold in winter, while closer to the south the temoperatures are higher than in the north.
Because there is futher away from the sea, so the temperatures aren’t regulates.
PRECIPITATIONS: Scarce, the precipitations are concentric in summer. The precipitations are scarcer deeper in the continent.
Because there is far away from the sea, there is a huge mountains chain around.
RIVERS: Carry a lot of water because are very long and catch a lot of water from other little rivers. The rivers are very irregular. In winter the water is frozen.

VEGETATION: Their treetops are conic because in winter snow a lot. The trees are small because in winter isn’t so much sun. There are steppes (Only are grass) . In the cold desert  aren’t any vegetation.

ANIMALS: The animals are warmblood creatures like bears, wolfs... The animals are big and with a lot of hair because fat and hair protects them from the cold.

The most important rivers are:
- Tumen.
- Yalu.
- Imjin.
- Taedong.

The most important mountains are:
- Kangnam Range.
- Rangnim Range.
- Kaema Highlands
- Hamgyong Mts.
- Taebaek Mountains.



North Korea is a communist dictatorship.The characteristics of this economy are:

- Everything is property of the government. It means that there are not private property.

- The state decides what and how use the money

- There are not freedom in the market. The state can decide where are you going to work.

- There are not too much social difference.

-Public services are highly developed.

For the Korean people is very important their leader, Kim Jong Il. If you're not loyal to the leader you can get into a reeducation camp and you have to bow every time you see a statue of the leader.

In this country is forbidden take information from the outside, the internet connect is restricted. 

Theoretically, in this type of economy everyone is equal, but while the people go on bikes, the most poweful people can drive luxury cars.

In this cauntry there only are two hours of hot water.

The tourists can't go out the hotel alone or talk with Korean people because the leader don't want that the people know the situation of the most developed countries.

In North Korea, there are a lot of similar houses for no social differences.

There are rules for the clothes, the men have to wear dark clothes.

Only the 22% of North Korea is cultivable. The principal pruduct is the rice but they cultive fruit and some cereals too. The other products are boy from other countries.

 For improve the yield of the land, they have improved the irrigations sistems and they use chemical fertilizers.

An example of cultive:


CLIMATE: In north Korea, the climate is continental.



POPULATION LEVEL: There is a lot of people because there are the products enough for the population level increase.

TECH LEVEL: The tech level is high because they use very moderm sistems for cultivate the products.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY: Is a developed country because we can se in the picture that they have used heavy machines.

WATERUSE: Irrigation. Because this product need a lot of water, so it needs somebody that irrigate the plants.

OBJECTIVE: Is for sell it, because there are a lot of products.

YIELD OF THE EARTH: Really good, we can see that there are a lot of plants.

TYPE: Is a comercial cultivation because is for sell the product. Extensive cultive because doesn't need a lot of work in a small space. Monoculture because there only grow a type of product.

PRODUCT: Watermelon

POSSIBLE PROBLEMS: Is a monoculture so is easy to the plants affected by a pest.

The animal husbandry in North Korea is very scarce. But the Koreans raise cows, pigs and silkworms. 

COWS: Meat, skin and milk. Extensive.

PIGS: Meat and skin. Intensive.

SILKWORMS: They use the silkworms' silk.

In North Korea eat a lot of vegetables. Their diet consist in rice, barley, millet and they eat like noodles make of sweet potato. 

They eat tofu, make of the wise of the trees.

Their diet contains a lot of fish, that means that the fishing is developed.


- 2 Tablespoons oil
- 2 Little onions
- 1 Can of mushroom
- 3 Tablespoons of soy sauce
- Rice
- 1 Egg 
- Salt
- Pepper

1. Boil the rice.

2. Beat the egg.

3. Heat the oil and sauce the 2 onions and the shrimp for 3 minutes.

4. Add the mushrooms ¡, the soy sauce and the rice.

5. Add the salt and the pepper and fry everything for five minutes.

6. Add the egg and leave it for 3 or 4 minutes more on the fire.

7. When the rice changes colour, is ready to eat.

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