America, Haiti


It is very important in Haiti, becouse they are a lot of fammer, but they are a lot of unemployment.
The recourses of Haiti are:
Bauxite,gold,coper,marble,pigs,cow,coffee and milk.
The land:

*Good cultive
*Permanent cultive
*Other cultives.
The problem is that they´re a lot of montains and cyclone.
It has got a little potable water.
The cultives more important are:
Of tomatoes, potatoes and coffee.
Its principals fishs are:
Red porgy,Swordfish,crab and tortoise.
Haiti is the country more poor of America.
The government of Haiti is a semi-presidential republic.
Haiti was a popular destination for tourists from the United States
and Europe in the 1950s.In 2012, the country received 950,000
tourists (mostly from cruise ships), and the industry generated US$200 million in 2012.
In Haiti, only 12.5% of the population have access to electricity “officially”,
although the Ministry of Public Works estimate that the coverage could be around
25% when irregular connections are considered.

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