Europa, Suecia


 Where is Sweden?
Sweden is a Scandinavian country in the North of EuropeSweden borders Norway and Finland.

In Sweden, there are two types of climates:Polar Climate and Continenctal climate.


What happens? Continental Climate
Where does it happen? In this case, in Sweden. 

How does it happen? 

-Temperature: Hight temperatures in summer and low in winter, because it is away from the sea.

-Rivers:Long and irregular rivers. They carry a lot of water, this happens because there are many little rivers that go into a one big river.

Plantlife:Small trees with pointy tops because it snows.We also can find the tyga forest and steps and grass.

Animallife:Warm blooded animals.They have a lot of hair to protect them selfs from the cold in winter.

What happens? Polar Climate
Where does it happen: In or around the polar circles.
How does it happen? 
Temperature:Very low temperatures all the year long because the sunrays don't go directly and 6 months in the year there isn't sunlight.

Precipitation:It doesn't rain very much, about 250mm because the water is ice. 

Rivers: They are very slow  are glaciers, because there isn't water, it is all ice.

-Vegetation: Lichens and mosses, there aren't any forest and trees because there isnt't enough water and sunlight.

Animallife:Most of them are seals, polar bears,wales, migratory birds, foxe... They usually are big, that means that they have a huge fat layer and they are warm blooded, they also have small ears.




1 Economy

2 Currency and gastronomy

3 Agiculture

4 Livestock

5 Fishing


-Sweden is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government.
-The economy of Sweden is a developed export-oriented diverse economy aided by timber, hydropower, and iron ore. -These constitute the resource base of an economy oriented toward foreign trade
-Sweden is a highly competitive capitalist economy featuring a generous universal welfare state financed through relatively high income taxes.
-The King, Carlos XVI Gustavo, recovers only established by protocol functions as Chief of the State. 
-Sweden is highly regulated by the state and they have education, health, housing and supply provided by the State.
-The economy of Sweden is 33. ª major of the world. Helped by his pacifism and neutrality during all the 20th century, the country there reached a boss of enviable life, under a mixed system of capitalism and social benefits.

- Sweden has a modern system of distribution of revenue, an excellent system of telecommunications I hospitalize and with the foreigner, besides an educated well workforce.
Sweden has gone of being one of the countries with major growth of the world, to suffer a fall of his economy of 1.5 % in 1993.


National currency: Swedish crown



-With regard to the primary sector, the country is more that self-sufficient in basic food, and of fact the agricultural production overcomes the internal demand.
-In big zones of Sweden,  this agriculture is linked to the forest exploitation, which is a complementary occupation of many farmers.
-The resources rafters of the country are increasing as result of an intense forest repopulation and during the last years the forest growth has overcome to the felling.
-The forest industry performs a decisive importance for the Swedish economy, includes the industries of wood, flesh, paper and boards and represents near 15 % of the total exports.
-Sweden is almost self-sufficient in agricultural products, though only 6,6 % of the land is cultivated.
-The intensive subscriber and the mechanization improve the productions of the crops in spite of the poverty of the soils of many areas, of a rough topography and of a station of growth it cuts.
-Specially individual, the agriculture develops intensively in the low lands of the south, specially in Escania's fertile plains
-The size of the agrarian fields changes from the big household tasks up to the small familiar properties; in recent epoch many small fields have joined major units
-The majority of the agricultural production devotes itself to the interior consumption. 
-About 2 % of the active population devotes himself to the agriculture, to the forestry and  to the fishing.
-After of the World War II the lacteal, traditionally important industry inside the primary Swedish sector, declined in relation with the production of cereals and vegetables; The principal agricultural products continue being the cattle and the derivative products, specially the lacteal ones.
-The most out-standing cultures are the cereals and the potatoes; also there are prominent the cultures of sugar beet, oats and seeds of rape.


-It is prominent in the northern countries the reguarding, in certain epochs of the year, of the cattle in stables for the crudeness of the cold climate. The animals are taken to the mountain in the dry and ardent summer, returning to the valley in the winter. 
-In Sweden reindeer breeding  is one of the principal economic activities of the Lapps, they don’t use only his meat they also use his milk, fat and skins. 
-Another activity in the North of Scandinavia is the husbundry of animals piliferous as foxes and minks which skins are exported.
The cattle cabin possesses 1,62 million heads of bull, 1,82 millions of pig, 479.400 of sheep and 6,80 million birds of corral, approximately.


-The annual capture of fish of Sweden is 357.317 tons.
-The herring supposes 25 % of the captures; also stand out the cod, the plaice and the salmon.
-Göteborg is an important fishing port.
-In Sweden approximately 37 species of fish exist to capture.

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